Daily life is our dojo, bow in each morning before practice
The Dharma Center of Oklahoma is a lay Buddhist Organization devoted to taking the practice of Buddhism into our everyday lives.
Non-members are welcome during scheduled classes, meditation, and service on Sunday mornings. There are no enrollment requirements or formal dress code. All content is provided in English. We have a mix of new & experienced lay practitioners (non-monastic) learning together to apply Buddhism to everyday life. You are encouraged to visit us to experience what we do and see if you feel a connection.
Weekly Schedule
( Link: Newsletter Archive including Monthly Calendar )
Sunday Practice/Dharma Circle
Zoom/In-person Hybrid, Zoom link available upon request via email. Join us at 10am for our Chanting/Meditation service, 11am for Dharma Circle/Dharma Talk. An opportunity to develop a deeper practice and understanding with others.
Monday Night Dharma Circle
Tuesday Night Book Club
Zoom Exclusive, 7pm.
Book Club Returns: February 11th. Book to be studied: Buddhism for Busy People, by: David Michie
Wednesday Night Basic Buddhism Class
The next semester of basic will start in mid-September, 2025.
The Basic Buddhism Class will walk you through the study of Buddhist principles as related to practice in everyday life. Enrolment is not required.
Thursday Night Meditation
Saturday Lotus Sutra Study
Movie Night & Social Events
Young Adult Class
The Bloomin’ Bodhisattvas youth group has been meeting regularly. We’ve recorded eight episodes over the summer! We appreciate all the enthusiasm and support from our Dharma Center family! Podcast playlist link on YouTube